AFTER BREAKING RECORDS, it seems like we just wrapped up the 2020 Hurricane Season, but here we are again.
Colorado State University’s hurricane guru, Dr. Philip Klotzbach, released his team’s 2021 outlook in early April and predicts seventeen named storms in the Atlantic basin. Of those, eight are expected to become hurricanes, with four reaching major hurricane status. These numbers are above the seasonal averages.
So what does that mean for your level of preparation? In short: nothing. You should prepare the same, regardless of whether the forecast calls for an above normal
season or next to nothing. I always remind folks about 1992 when Hurricane Andrew, the first named storm of the season, didn’t strike south Florida until late August as a category five storm. I’m pretty sure those living in Miami-Dade county at the time would not call 1992 a “quiet year.”
When the time comes for us to pay attention to a storm, it’s important to
remember a few things to keep your anxiety at bay, while still preparing for a possible hit.

- JUST BREATHE: This is the Lowcountry. We get hurricanes, but the odds of a direct hit are VERY low for any given storm.
- STAY AWAY FROM THE SPAGHETTI: Models change every run, sometimes wildly! Some do well, others don’t. Meteorologists are trained to know what to look for and when to look for it.
- OFFICIAL TRACK & INTENSITY FORECASTS WILL CHANGE: Don’t get stuck on being in “the cone” beyond three days. Trust me, it’s going to change and you will drive yourself nuts.
- MAKE SURE YOUR HURRICANE KIT IS READY, JUST IN CASE: You don’t want to be caught up in the hysteria if something heads our way. You’re going to put it together before hurricane season anyway, right?
- COUNT ON 2: Let us worry about it, so you don’t have to. If things get bad, we are here for you around the clock. Remember, just breathe!
If the threat of a direct hit becomes high enough, the governor will likely issue evacuation orders. Before that happens, have everything done on your hurricane checklist, including a plan for your pets. Remember that many shelters and hotels are pet friendly now, so no excuses! If an evacuation order is issued, head on out of here, because the safety of you and your family, including your four-legged members, must come first.
I was horrified and saddened by reading “Baked Alive: Slaughterhouse Nightmare”, by Kitty Block, in Carolina Tails (Winter 2021). Covid affected and changed much in all our lives; but the inhumane and cruel procedure referred to as VSD and VSD-Plus, (Ventilation Shutdown) is horrendous. Even more horrendous, is that it’s legally allowed at all.
The pigs and chickens (and, I wonder, what other feeling, innocent animals) have been subjected to this cruel, torturous VSD death. This procedure is only a matter of convenience and cost effectiveness.

A petition from the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) is nice and easy; but it’s not what is needed! They should at least clarify, and strongly endorse that VSD should be forbidden, so these animals are guaranteed a humane death. All organizations claiming to be against animal abuse should get involved to support the elimination of this torturous procedure. It’s crazy that the euphuism “depopulation” is used. Let’s call it what it is: killing or slaughtering animals.
One might think I’m vegetarian… I’m not! I enjoy having my occasional steak, pork roast or chicken. But this is irrelevant. The point is: killing an animal must be done as kindly as possible, regardless of expense or convenience. VSD and VSD Plus, should be banned by Federal law, and, enforced by all involved Federal Agencies.