Celebrating the new year with friends and family can be a joyous time, but more pets go missing during the holidays than at almost any other time of year. Here’s what to keep in mind this holiday season, to make sure your pets stay safe and jolly.
Before the Holiday:
Microchip your pets and make sure the information is up to date.
Make sure each pet is wearing a collar with a visible, and legible tag.
Give your pet plenty of playtime and exercise.
Because of fireworks, make sure windows and doors are secure, in case your pet gets scared.
Ask your veterinarian if your pet would benefit from behavioral medication for the holidays.
Register your pet with Petco Love Lost (lost.petcolove.org) the only facial recognition software available for pets.
During the Holiday:
- Leave your TV or Radio on at a louder than normal volume with relaxation music to help drown out some of the loud noise such as fireworks.
- In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, be sure to remember your pet’s medications.
- Give your pet “quiet time” in their own room or crate, to allow them to relax.
If Your Pet Goes Missing:
- File a lost report with your pet’s microchip company
- File a lost report with your local animal shelter
- Visit your area animal shelters to do a walkthrough. (You may need to visit more than once)
- Flag your pet as missing on Petco Love Lost (lost.petcolove.org). It’s free to sign-up, so be sure to join immediately.
- Canvas your neighborhood, knocking on doors to see if anyone has seen your pet.
- Hang fliers.
- Post your missing pet on lost and found Facebook pages, your neighborhood Facebook page, Nextdoor, and any other missing pet sites that you can post on.