More than 1,000 signed up for fundraising walk and run.
“It was cold and wet but aren’t our animals worth it?” That’s how Charleston Animal Society President & CEO Joe Elmore summed up Paws in the Park on November 16th, “This day will stay in all of our memories; that time we got out and walked in the rain for homeless animals in Charleston!”
1,000 runners and walkers signed up for Paws in the Park, held November 16th at Riverfront Park in North Charleston. The walk and 5k run wound its way from the park, through the old Navy base and then back to the park.
“We were excited to see so many hundreds of animal lovers brave the cold and the rain for animals,” said Charleston Animal Society Director of Special Projects & Business Partnerships Elena Lawson.
With every step, participants walked and ran for the abused, hungry and abandoned animals in our community. All of the money raised went to Charleston Animal Society’s medical fund, Toby’s Fund.
This year’s sponsors included: The Rachael Ray Foundation • Crews Subaru Fleet Feet • Minero • Southern Eagle • City of North Charleston