It was quite the surprise at Cane Bay Elementary School in January after a coyote was found hiding behind a bathroom toilet. Berkeley County’s Community Action Team was able to wrangle the coyote safely out of the building. According to the Urban Coyote Research Project, coyotes can use any habitat, […]
Daily Archives: February 8, 2021
From our “You gotta’ see it to believe it” file – a company has come out with a kitty litter box equipped with a camera and other sensors that they say uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to see if your cat is sick. According to Lulu Pet, their “smart” litter box […]
Senior dogs across South Carolina are feeling the love after a statewide Public Service Campaign hit the airwaves and social media. In a collaborative effort, Charleston Animal Society and its program No Kill South Carolina have teamed up with The Grey Muzzle Organization to develop a media toolkit for shelters […]
Folly Beach resident Joe Schmidt was at an oyster roast on New Year’s Day when he had to look twice at a text from Charleston Animal Society saying he’d won a brand-new BMW X3. His response? “O-M-G,” an expression this architect hardly ever uses. The X3 came just in time. […]