HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS HAS BECOME a Charleston tradition. Each December, Hendrick Charleston teams up with Charleston Animal Society to provide home deliveries of animals on Christmas Eve and Christmas.
People across Charleston County are thrilled to see a caravan of Hendrick cars decorated for the Holidays parade into their neighborhoods with a new dog or cat to brighten a child’s Christmas. If you’re looking to adopt before the holidays, come pick out a dog or cat at Charleston Animal Society December 16 – 23 for a home delivery by our team of elves! Don Smith, the Director of Community Relations at Hendrick Automotive Group loves the project saying he wishes “there were more pets to deliver!”
Here are three “Home for the Holiday” deliveries who changed the lives of the families that adopted them.

Liam Litchfield begged his parents for a cat for two years, before they finally gave in and came to Charleston Animal Society right before Christmas last year.
Since her delivery Liam’s given his cat a lot of names, but “Midnight” is the latest. His Dad says Midnight has been awesome, “Everyone who meets her is so surprised with her. You can do anything to her- pick her up, hold her, squeeze her, hold her upside- down. She doesn’t care. She just wants you to love her.”
Bill says having the Hendrick “elves” deliver Midnight was a great experience that he’d recommend to everyone.

Stacie Gregory and her husband came to Charleston Animal Society seeking a new family member after healing from the loss of a previous dog.
A staff member suggested “Sherman” after learning about their family’s lifestyle.
After just five minutes in a room with him, the Gregorys bonded with Sherman.
Since they were traveling the week before Christmas, the Home for the Holidays program was a perfect solution for Sherman’s adoption.
The Christmas delivery experience was a huge surprise for their three children, “better than any other gift they received that year,” says Stacie.
Sherman now goes on family vacations, stays in hotels, and chaperones weekly date nights with Stacie and her husband. You can follow his adventures on Instagram @shermanthemutt. Stacie calls Sherman a blessing and admits the pandemic was an amazing time for the family to bond with him, adding, “Our lives would have been so much worse without him.”

Kitty Kleckley
Five-year-old Gardiner Kleckley and her seven-year-old brother Jack couldn’t believe their eyes when a team of Hendrick Elves showed up at their door with a brand-new kitten!
“They were amazing! Instead of being with their own families, they came here Christmas morning dressed as elves,” said Gardiner’s mom Elle. “The little box was decorated with tinsel. There were so many thoughtful details. My daughter really believes Santa sent the cat!”
When the family noticed “Kitty Kleckley” wanted to go out, they made sure Kitty had all the necessary shots, and now he is a neighborhood fixture proudly roaming around in the daytime as the unofficial mayor of the street.
The family still makes sure Kitty is home indoors at night, where Kitty likes to “help” with laundry or play with the children. “He is the most chill cat,” says Elle. “He’s a huge cat now but puts up with so much with two small kids.”