Charleston Animal Society celebrated 146 years of preventing cruelty to animals on
Sunday, January 26, 2020 at Blackbaud World Headquarters. Before hundreds of supporters,
the Animal Society presented two significant awards:
The Community Ambassador Award went to Blackbaud, Inc.
The Elizabeth Bradham Humanitarian Award went to Dr. Shirley McGreal, the founder
of the International Primate Protection League (IPPL). See our Fall 2018 Carolina Tails for
more on the IPPL.
Maddie’s Fund Executive Leadership Team Member Mary Ippoliti-Smith delivered an
inspiring keynote address. Entertainment was provided by the River Boy Bluegrass Band.
A 30-foot Caitlyn the dog greeted Annual Meeting attendees at Blackbaud World Headquarters.
Former Charleston Animal Society Board President Elizabeth Bradham presenting the Humanitarian Award to IPPL Founder and President Emeritus Dr. Shirley McGreal.
Blackbaud received Charleston Animal Society’s Community Ambassador Award at the Society’s 146th Annual Meeting. Blackbaud President & CEO Mike Gianoni and his wife Kathie are surrounded by Charleston Animal Society Board Members and staff (L-R) Patricia Henley, Joe Elmore, Laurel Greer, Carolyn Murray, and Hank Greer.
Community Relations Director for Hendrick Charleston and Charleston Animal Society Board Member Don Smith attended the annual meeting with his wife Frances who fell in love with one of the dogs rescued from a South Carolina puppy mill.