Carolina Tails Magazine

North Charleston and Mount Pleasant Make National List


A big congratulations goes out to the City of North Charleston and the Town of Mount Pleasant for receiving the Better Cities for PetsTM Certification. Both cities were certified by Mars Petcare after an extensive evaluation process. Charleston Animal Society partnered with both cities to apply.

Mars Petcare representatives said both cities showed a commitment to pets and pet owners that stood out and Mars Petcare was thrilled that they are looking for ways to further advance their towns’ pet- friendliness. Mars is the corporation behind several pet food brands you know including Pedigree, Iams and Whiskas.

Mars Petcare launched the Better Cities for Pets city certification program in 2019 and evaluates cities based on 12 traits of pet- friendliness across four categories: businesses, parks, shelters and homes.

“We established the Better Cities for Pets certification to celebrate cities that are creating positive and welcoming environments for people and their pets, and we encourage more cities to recognize the benefits of our four-legged friends,” — Jam Stewart, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Mars Petcare