Carolina Tails Magazine

Keeping Your Pets Cool

Did you know that the phrase “dog days of summer” came about because Sirius, the dog star, rises in the constellation Canis Major, during the hottest, sultriest days of the year – typically July and August.

Surviving those Charleston “dog days” in comfort depends largely on the health of your home’s air conditioning system – for you and your pet. Imagine how miserable you would be if your AC went out one sticky summer evening. If your pet spends a lot of time indoors with you, they are going to miss the cool air just as much as you will!

Pardee Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving the Charleston community since 1934. Here are some tips from Pardee General Manager Mark Hoadley:

For more information, visit Pardee’s provides a full range of heating and air conditioning services, including maintenance, repair and new equipment, although Hoadley says he doesn’t think they have ever installed an AC system in a doghouse.